MySQL Tutorial

MySQL Tutorial

This MySQL tutorial explains both the basics and more advanced ideas about MySQL. Our MySQL tutorial is made for both newbies and experts.

MySQL is a system for managing relational databases. It is based on Structured Query Language, which is the most common language for accessing and managing database records. Under the GNU licence, MySQL is free and open-source software. Oracle Company helps with it.

Our MySQL tutorial covers every aspect of the MySQL database. It shows you how to manage the database and change the data with SQL queries. These are: insert records, update records, delete records, select records, create tables, drop tables, etc. There are also MySQL interview questions that will help you learn more about the database.

What is a database?

Before you learn MySQL, you need to know a lot about databases. A database is a piece of software that keeps a set of records in an organised way. It is easy for the user to get to and control. It lets us put data into tables, rows, columns, and indexes so that we can quickly find the information we need. Each database has its own API for doing things like creating, managing, accessing, and searching the data it holds. There are many databases like MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, etc. available today. In this section, we will mostly talk about MySQL.

What does MySQL mean?

At the moment, MySQL is the most popular database management system software used to run relational databases. It is database software that is free to use and is supported by the Oracle Company. Compared to Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database, it is a fast, scalable, and easy-to-use database management system. It is often used with PHP scripts to make powerful and dynamic server-side or web-based enterprise applications.

MySQL AB, a Swedish company, makes it, sells it, and helps people use it. It was written in the programming languages C and C++. The correct way to say MySQL is not “My Sequel,” but “My Ess Que Ell.” But you can say it however you want. MySQL is used by both small and large businesses. MySQL works on many operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc., and supports the C, C++, and Java programming languages.

MySQL is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) programme that gives you a lot of things.

  • It lets us use tables, rows, columns, and indexes to do database operations.
  • It shows how the database is related through tables, which are groups of rows and columns. These are also called “relations.”
  • It makes sure that there is no broken link between rows or columns in different tables.
  • It lets us automatically change the table indexes.
  • It uses a lot of SQL queries to pull useful information from different tables and give it to the end users.

What Does MySQL Do?

The way that MySQL works is called Client-Server Architecture. This model is set up so that end users, called clients, can use network services to get to resources on a central computer, called a server. Here, the clients make requests through a graphical user interface (GUI), and the server gives the desired output as soon as the instructions match. The way MySQL works is the same as the way the client-server model works.


How MySQL Works?

The MySQL Server is the heart of the MySQL database. This server is a separate programme that is used to handle all the instructions, statements, or commands for the database. Here’s how MySQL database and MySQL Server work together:

MySQL lets you make a database with many tables that you can use to store and change data. You can also define how each table is related to the others.
Clients send requests to MySQL by using SQL expressions on the GUI screen or at the command prompt.
Lastly, the server application will send back the expressions that were asked for and give the client-side the result that was wanted.

Any MySQL GUI can be used by a client. But it means making sure that your GUI is light and easy to use so that you can manage your data faster and better. MySQL Workbench, SequelPro, DBVisualizer, and the Navicat DB Admin Tool are some of the most popular GUIs for MySQL. Some GUIs are sold for money, some are free but have limited features, and some only work with MacOS. So, you can choose the GUI that works best for you.

Why something is popular

Because of these things, MySQL is becoming more and more popular:

  • MySQL is a free, open-source database, which means you don’t have to pay anything to use it.
  • MySQL is a very strong programme that can do a lot of what the most expensive and powerful database packages can do.
  • MySQL is an open-source database, so it can be changed to fit your needs. The open-source GPL licence makes it easy for programmers to change the SQL software to fit their own needs.
  • MySQL works well with large data sets because it is faster than other databases.
  • MySQL works with a lot of different operating systems and languages, such as PHP, PERL, C, C++, JAVA, and so on.
  • SQL is a well-known data language, and MySQL uses a standard version of it.
  • PHP is the most popular language for building websites, and MySQL works well with it.
  • MySQL can handle large databases with more than 50 million rows per table. The default file size limit for a table is 4GB, but you can increase this to a theoretical limit of 8 million terabytes if your operating system can handle it (TB).

The History of MySQL

In 1979, MySQL’s creator, Michael Widenius, made an in-house tool for managing databases called UNIREG. This was the start of the MySQL project. Since then, UNIREG has been rewritten in a number of languages and made bigger so it can handle large databases. After a while, Michael Widenius called mSQL’s creator, David Hughes, to see if he would be interested in connecting mSQL to UNIREG’s B+ ISAM handler so that mSQL could use indexing. This is how MySQL came into being.


Michael Widenius (Monty), David Axmark, and Allan Larsson started the Swedish company MySQL AB.


MySQL is going open source and putting out software under the GPL. Because of this, sales dropped by 80%, and it took a year to make up for it.


At age 38, Marten Mickos was named CEO. Marten was CEO of a few Nordic companies before he joined MySQL. He has a background in sales and marketing. 2 million installations in use. Raised a series with money from Scandinavian venture capitalists, but the amount is secret. It was thought to be between $1 million and $2 million.


Along with its Swedish headquarters, MySQL opened its own headquarters. At that time, there were 3 million users. MySQL was shut down this year, after making $6.5 million from 1,000 paying customers.


This year, they got $19.5 million from benchmark capital and index ventures as part of their series B. At the moment, there are over 30,000 downloads per day and 4 million installations that are still running. At the end of the year, it had made $12 million.


Since the OEM dual-licensing model is where most of MySQL’s money comes from, the company has decided to move more into the enterprise market and focus on recurring revenue from end users instead of one-time licencing fees from their OEM partners. At the end of the year, it had made $20 million.


After the Redhat network came out, MySQL came out with the MySQL network model. The MySQL network is a subscription service for end users that provides updates, alerts, notifications, and product-level support to make it easier for companies to manage hundreds of MySQL servers. MySQL 5 comes out, and it has a lot of new features to attract business users (e.g., stored procedures, triggers, views, cursors, distributed transactions, federated storage engines, etc.) Oracle buys innobase, a Finland-based company with four employees that makes MySQL’s InnoDB storage backend. At the end of the year, the company had $34 million in sales from 3,400 customers.


Marten Mickos says Oracle did try to buy MySQL. Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle, said: “We’ve talked to them, along with almost everyone else. Are we curious? It’s a small business. I think that MySQL brings in between $30 million and $40 million each year. Oracle will make $15 billion in sales next year.” Oracle buys sleepycat, which is the company that makes the Berkeley db transactional storage engine for MySQL. Marten Mickos says that they are getting MySQL ready for an IPO in 2008, when they expect it to bring in $100 million. 8 million installations in use. MySQL has 320 employees in 25 countries, and 70% of them work from home. The company raised $18 million in a series C round of funding based on rumours that it was worth more than $300 million. In terms of install base, MySQL is thought to have a 33% market share, and in terms of revenue, it has a 0.2% market share. In 2006, the database market was worth $15 billion. At the end of the year, it had made $50 million.


It made $75 million by the end of the year.


Sun Microsystems paid about $1 billion to buy MySQL AB. Two of the founders of MySQL AB, Michael Widenius (Monty) and David Axmark, start to say bad things about Sun in public and leave Sun soon after.


Marten Mickos quits Sun and joins Benchmark Capital as an entrepreneur-in-residence. Sun has now lost the business and spiritual leaders who made MySQL a success.
Oracle and Sun Microsystems said that they have reached a final agreement that will allow Oracle to buy Sun’s common stock for $9.50 per share in cash. About $7.4 billion is how much the deal is worth.


Before you can learn MySQL, you need to know the basics of how computers work.


Our MySQL tutorial is made to help both new and experienced users.


We promise that there is nothing wrong with this MySQL tutorial. But if you find a mistake, please let us know through the contact form.

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