AJAX XMLHttpRequest

Getting to know XMLHttpRequest Properties of XMLHttpRequest XMLHttpRequest Methods of XMLHttpRequest An object of XMLHttpRequest is used for communication between the client and the server that happens at different times. The following things are done with it: Sends information from the client behind the scenes takes the information from the server The page is updated […]

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In this example, we are talking to the database. You don’t need to do anything else. Just write the logic for the database in your server-side page. In this example, the code for the server is in the index.jsp file. AJAX Database Example How to make an ajax example with a database using jsp You

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PHP – AJAX Introduction

With AJAX, you can change parts of a web page without having to load the whole page again. The letters AJAX stand for “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.” It’s a collection of technologies that work together, such as JavaScript, DOM, XML, HTML/XHTML, CSS, XMLHttpRequest, etc. AJAX lets you send and get data at different times without

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PHP can process XML files because it has a DOM parser built in. The DOM Parser for XML The DOM parser works like a tree. Check out the following part of an XML document: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <from>Jani</from> The above XML is seen as a tree structure by the DOM: Level 1: XML Document Level

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PHP XML Expat Parser

PHP can process XML documents because it has an XML Expat Parser built in. XML Expat Parser The Expat parser is one that works based on events. Check out the following piece of XML: <from>Ram</from> The above XML is read by an event-based parser as a set of three events: Start element: from Start section

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PHP SimpleXML Parser

SimpleXML is an extension for PHP that makes it easy to work with and get XML data. SimpleXML Parser SimpleXML is a parser that works with trees. If you know how an XML document is structured or laid out, SimpleXML makes it easy to get the name, attributes, and text of an element. SimpleXML turns

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PHP MySQL Update Data

Using MySQLi and PDO to change the data in a MySQL table, here we learn using MySQLi Update Data In a MySQL Table Using MySQL The UPDATE statement is used to change information in records that are already in a table: UPDATE name of table SET column1=value, column2=value2,… WHERE some_column=some_value Notice that the UPDATE syntax

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PHP MySQL Delete Data

Delete Data From a MySQL Table Using MySQLi We can use MySQLi and PDO to delete data from a MySQL table, here we learn using MySQLi . With the DELETE statement, you can get rid of rows from a table: DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_column = some_value In the DELETE syntax, pay attention to the

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