How to make Shopify store password protected

How to make Shopify store password protected? Your online shop needs a password. By incorporating a password security page, you can limit customer access to your online business. Your online shop’s “password page” serves as the entry point, where customers must enter a password before proceeding. Provide your consumers the password to your online store if you want them to shop there.

When your password page is activated, search engines will only be able to access the password page. Some pages, including product pages, are obscured so that they don’t appear in search engine results.

Add your online store password

A password can be used to restrict access to your online shop.


  1. Go to Online Store > Preferences in your Shopify admin.
  2. Choose Limit access to visitors with the password from the Password protection section.
  3. Put the password your clients will need to access your online store in the Password field. Never use the same password for both your admin account and your website.
  4. Enter the text you’d like to display on the password page in Message for your visitors. Leave this form blank if you do not wish to display a message.
  5. To save the changes, click Save.

Remove your online store password

If you don’t lock down your online shop, anyone can browse your wares.

Unless you commit to a payment plan, customers won’t be able to access your online store. You will not be charged a membership cost until the end of your free trial, regardless of whatever plan you select during your trial.

The Online Store password can be deleted from either the Themes or Preferences sections of the Shopify admin.

The Shopify admin’s Theme page is where you may disable the password protection for your online store.


  1. Go to Online Store > Themes in your Shopify admin.
  2. When prompted by the message “Your online store is password protected,” select the option to remove the password. If the banner isn’t shown, your online shop isn’t protected with a password.

The Shopify admin’s Preferences section is where you can erase the online store’s password.


  1. Go to Online Store > Preferences in your Shopify admin.
  2. Access the protected by password menu.
  3. Turn off the box labeled “Password-protected access only.”
  4. To save the changes, click Save.

You can hide the footer section on your password page.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Preferences.
  2. Scroll to the Password protection area. In Message for your visitors, paste the following code:
<style>footer { display: none; }</style>

You can paste this code either above or below any existing content.

  1. Click Save.

Edit your password page settings


  1. Select Others > Password. If you don’t see Password page in the menu, then you need to activate password protection for your online store.
  2. To edit the sections on the password page, do the following:
    1. Click on the section that you want to edit. Most themes have header, content, and footer sections.
    2. Make changes to the section settings.
    3. Click Save.
  3. You can edit your theme settings, such as typography, color, social and favicon settings, to customize your password page. These settings also apply to the rest of your theme. To edit the theme settings, do the following:
    1. Click Theme settings.
    2. Click on the settings category that you want to edit.
    3. Make changes to the theme settings.
    4. Click Save.

Hide your store name on your password page

You can hide your store name on your password page.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Preferences.
  2. Scroll to the Password protection area. In Message for your visitors, paste the following code:
<style>h1 { display: none; }</style>

You can paste this code either above or below any existing content.

  1. Click Save.

Hide your store name on your password page

The name of your shop might be concealed on the password page.


  1. Go to Online Store > Preferences in your Shopify admin.
  2. Get inside the protected section by scrolling down. Paste this code into the Message to your visitors section of your site:
  3. Presentation: hidden; Heading 1
    This code can go before, after, or in the middle of whatever text you like.
  4. To save the changes, click Save.

Edit the theme code for your password page

Modifying the password page’s theme code will allow you to make changes that aren’t available in the theme’s options.


  1. Go to Online Store > Themes in your Shopify admin.
  2. To make changes to a theme, navigate to it and then click the… to bring up the menu of available commands, and from there select Edit code.
  3. To access it, select password.liquid from the Templates folder.
  4. Password page components are defined using Liquid tags in the password.liquid template. The following Liquid tags could be used in your theme:
    {% section 'password-header' %}
    {% section 'password-content' %}
    {% section 'password-footer' %}
  5. Click one of the following files in the Sections directory to make changes to any of the aforementioned sections:
    • password-header.liquid
    • password-content.liquid
    • password-footer.liquid
  6. Make any necessary changes to the code.
  7. To save the changes, click Save.
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